NTPC Family

25-05-2023 | read

Shri Ashwini Kumar Tripathy, RED (WR-II & OS) interacted with the participants and their guardians of Girl Empowerment Mission (GEM) programme at Lara on 24th May 2023. Addressing the gathering Shri Tripathy said, GEM programme is a very good CSR initiative of NTPC Limited, designed for holistic development of girl child of nearby villages of NTPC Power Stations. It is a very good residential programme for better utilization of summer vacation. With refreshment of regular course curriculum, other extracurricular activities like, yoga, sports and games, art, dance, acting, self-defense, and computer is taught to the children.
As a Corporate Social Responsibility-Community Development activity, GEM is being conducted at Lara from 17 May to 12 June 2023 comprising of 40 girl children in the age group of 10-11 years from 9 surrounding villages are participating in this residential workshop being organized by NTPC Lara in township. It is a four weeklong free of cost residential training programme. Expert trainer from Hero Mind Mine is providing training to the children. After four weeks of training, the children will present their learnings in the valedictory function.
Girl Empowerment Mission (GEM) is a flagship Corporate Social Responsibility initiative of NTPC Limited, focused on the development of girl child of rural area reading in the government schools of nearby NTPC projects and stations. In the year 2018, as a pilot project this programme was conducted at NTPC Vindhyachal station. Now this initiative has spread to all projects and stations of NTPC Limited across the nation.
On this occasion Smt. Uma Tripathy, President (Arpita Mahila Samiiti, WR-II), Shri Diwakar Kaushik, Executive Director (Lara), Shri Akhilesh Singh, GM (Operation & Maintenance), Shri Rajeev Ranjan, GM (Fuel Management), Shri Samarendra Kumar Roy, GM(Operation), Shri Ravi Shankar, GM (Project Construction), Shri Kanhaiya Das, AGM (HR), office bearer of Prerita Mahila Samiti children and their parents were present. 

News link @ https://newsriveting.com/ntpc-red-wr-ii-os-interacts-with-guardians-and-gem-participants-at-lara/









